Muhammad Rizki

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A man who enthusiasts with data and fascinated about developing skills into new projects. Self-taught junior back end web developer, java android developer and machine learning engineer. I've been practicing all of those skills for 4 years. I'd like to learn the new things about computer engineering and software development technologies in current days.


What I can do for you

Web App Development

My current skills to developing a web application are Laravel using PHP programming language and Rails using Ruby programming language. Also the databases that I can use are MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. All I can do so far is Authentication, CRUD Data, Blog App and Payment method web-app. Just tell me what do you want, and give me some times to learn. And voila, you have what you want.

Android App Development

Lately I prefer to build Android Application using Java programming language. Utilising Firebase to authentication, create storage and databases. Also I can interact using Public API to get some data. From now on, I still learn to be a good UI/UX Designer to support my job.

Machine Learning

Implementing some machine learning's algorithm to create a powerfull application. Using Python programming language and Jupyter Notebook, I can do what I want to extract the data, manipulating data, and visualizing data. The latest project I've done so far is implementing the Long Short Term Memory models to predict the stock price of some company and visualizing it into the line-chart.




Ruby on Rails


Android Studio



What I've done

Skipper [A Twitter Clone Using Rails]

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Make a lightweight twitter clone website using Rails Framework.
Trying to sharpen my skill at Rails. This web app haven't yet deploy but it has the functionality such as:

  • Authentication, Sign Up and Login using 'Devise'
  • Create an avatar using 'Gravatar Image Tag'
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete Tweets
  • User Recomendation to follow and Trending topics

GuruKu [Android App]

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Make a android app that bring teachers and students together to study. In this app, students could call the teacher around 50 meters from their location and filter which major of teacher that he/she wants to teach. This application contain:

  • Firebase to authentication, sign up and login User. I also use firebase to be the storage of data, which means to save their picture, save their status, etc.
  • Google Maps API to detect location and get the closest location from students.
  • Crop user's picture to be rounded.

Information System of Ordering Tickets [Web App Using Laravel]

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Make an ordering ticket web app using Laravel and Vuetify. The tickets contain feature of category, quantity, and print or save to PDF document. In details, the feature of this website are:

  • Modifying a User Interface using Vuetify.
  • toggle
  • Authentication, Sign Up and Log In.

In-Society [Android Blog App]

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Make a blog app clone that can run in Android Operating System. It's application was developed by using Java Programming Language. The features of this application are:

  • Authentication, Sign Up and login using Firebase. I also use firebase to store picture of user's profile.
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete Data.

Information System of Network Device [Android App]

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Make a information system about network devices at BATAN that can run in Android Operating System. The features of this application are:

  • Authentication and login using syncrhonized data with database in MySQL.
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete Data of Network devices including it's picture.
  • Filtering data with anything you type in searching column.
  • Connect Google Maps API to show the location of it's device.

Predicting Stock Price using Long Short Term Memory Models [Deep Learning Implementation]

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Try to implementing a Deep Learning models, which is Long Short Term Memory to make a prediction about stock price of Adaro's Company. The features of this implementation are:

  • Get Data of historical data price of it's company using public API.
  • Pre-Processing data and visualizing data.
  • Train model until 200 epochs.
  • Get the prediction.


Make an personal site showcasing a technical engineer's work experience and projects in a more visually appealing way than just sending a resume PDF.

  • Modifying a premade Bootstrap theme. Added the following custom elements:
    • Additional profile picture only appearing on mobile view
    • Animated gear icon above navigation menu for a thematic touch
    • Thematic background


Just be patient to get what you want
plane route

Hello world. My name is Rizki, and I was born at Jakarta, November 1st of 1997. Recently, I've finished my Bachelor degrees at Diponegoro University with Major of Computer Engineering. I'd love to code and explore about developing content of website and android application. My hobbies are hiking, swimming, and travelling countries around Indonesia. Here are the picture of mine.

picture of a larp character lordi leeroy

I have both hard skill and soft skill honed. At 2019, I got internship at Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN) as Android Developer to build Information System of Network Device. In the other hand, I got experienced to be Vice President of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Komputer Universitas Diponegoro (HIMASKOM UNDIP) at the same time and I've succeed to fulfill both of them. My philosophy is like the lotus flower. Even in a dirty environment, it's still clean and show its beauty. That means even in the hard condition, I have to keep my ideology.


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